Best Banks on Long Island and their Affect on Real Estate

The Difference Between Getting a Deal Done & a Deal Falling Apart Banks are the backbone of business, and they certainly are the fuel for commercial real estate transactions. This fact cannot be disputed. In 2007, the US economy entered a mortgage crisis that brought about a sustained and significant panic and financial turmoil that reverberated [...]

2017-10-04T15:31:02-04:00February 4th, 2014|Categories: Long Island News, Real Estate News|

Rental rates and vacancy rental rates looking strong in Long Island

The vacancy rate in the Long Island office market, which includes both Nassau and Suffolk County, is improving. By the end of the 3rd quarter of 2013, the vacancy rate stood at 10%. This is down from the 10.3% statistic we saw at the end of the second quarter. In other words, the numbers are definitely [...]

2017-12-27T06:47:47-05:00November 15th, 2013|Categories: Long Island News, Real Estate News|

The Current Long Island Commercial Real Estate Market September 2013

It is no secret that the Long Island residential real estate market isn’t exactly at historic highs.  We at American Investment Properties often have our clients asking us how this phenomenon in the residential market impacts the commercial real estate market on Long Island?  In short, the answer is not much. Office Market Recent Vacancy Rates [...]

2017-12-27T06:49:50-05:00September 4th, 2013|Categories: Long Island News, Real Estate News|
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