Deciphering Suffolk County Towns

In the past newsletter, we detailed Nassau County’s towns, villages, and hamlets in order to provide some clarity in an area that can sometimes be a bit confusing. Now, in this article we will break down all of Long Island’s towns, villages, and hamlets in Suffolk County. Our continued hope is that you will be able [...]

Full Guide to Long Island’s Nassau County Towns, Villages, & Hamlets

As part of our AIP monthly newsletter articles, we sometimes share detailed information specifically regarding the Long Island history and/or landscape. Some of the information we cover you may find that you are highly knowledgeable on, but we hope that once in a while you are able to learn something new about this great place in [...]

2022-10-04T09:29:05-04:00November 4th, 2014|Categories: Long Island News, Real Estate News|

Long Island Rail Road

By now you probably realize that I am a proud Long Islander.  I’ve written articles and recorded video updates highlighting the spectacular place in which I live and work.  As Long Islanders, we take great pride in the place where we live, and with an extremely close proximity to New York City, we may even feel [...]

2017-10-04T14:18:16-04:00October 1st, 2014|Categories: Long Island News|

Early Long Island

After crafting an article on Long Island’s Gold Coast, I began to wonder how much I truly knew about the history of early Long Island and how it came to be.  Having knowledge of the place in which you grew up, or the place in which you’ve decided to establish your roots is an important thing.  [...]

2017-10-04T14:18:59-04:00August 4th, 2014|Categories: Long Island News|

Can Patchogue be Transformed?

There has been a true revitalization of downtown Patchogue in recent years.  The heart of the village of Patchogue is the Four Corners area at the intersection of West Main Street and North Ocean Avenue.  The number of new changes and developments has been truly attention grabbing.  This dramatic revitalization effort began in 1999 with the [...]

2017-10-04T15:28:27-04:00May 1st, 2014|Categories: Long Island News|

Long Island Falling Short

While this is not ground breaking news and likely comes as little surprise, the exodus of Long Island’s young adults is a serious issue and deserves attention.  Many affluent Long Island suburbs are losing their young workforce at a dramatic rate, and advocates are blaming a lack of affordable housing, high cost of living, and frustration [...]

2017-10-04T15:28:38-04:00May 1st, 2014|Categories: Long Island News|

No Plans For Bridge Over Long Island Sound to Connecticut

Currently, there is no bridge from Long Island to Connecticut and recent plans have come to a stop. The Long Island Sound Link was a proposed bridge or tunnel that would connect Long Island to Westchester, New York or Connecticut across the Long Island Sound. The most recent proposal involves a tunnel between Rye, New York, [...]

2020-04-01T11:02:00-04:00April 1st, 2014|Categories: Long Island News|Tags: , , |
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