Strength of CharacterCharacter is a pattern of behavior, thoughts and feelings based on universal principles, moral strength, and integrity.  In our opinion, your “good character” is the single most important asset you have.  We believe that what makes us a better person is a question of character – it’s largely dependent on our moral or ethical strength.  Your true character is revealed when no one else is looking – the very essence of who you truly are.  Character runs deep as it’s who we are on a daily basis, when things go well and when things go wrong.

There is definite importance in having character.  Having character means that you are honorable and honest, that you have integrity, and that you are reliable and responsible.  Living these values every day is an important aspect of your character in action.  Character in life is what makes people trust and believe in you and is essential for both individual success and for our society to run successfully.

Character in the workplace, both as a business owner and an employee is highly valued.  As a business owner, I recognize that a leader who leads through character is focused on creating value and contribution rather than winning at all costs.  Such a leader values openness and inclusion, rather than control and exclusion, which outline a type of leader who is driven by image as opposed to character.  Being a business leader of high character is important in your relationship with other people, your business and your own self worth.  If you are known as an honest and honorable businessperson who is reliable and responsible then it is likely that your clients will respect you, as your actions determine what people think of you and establish your reputation.  They also determine how others will respond to what you do and say.

Further, the character of a business reflects the character of its leader.  Operating a business ethically, with integrity and honesty, represents a key component in attracting clients and maintaining positive business relationships.  Requiring a high level of character from all employees and business partners can help set your business apart from others and lead to the development of trust within your industry or community.  Having a strong sense of character is not always easy, at times character will be tested such as enduring hard times or stress but being responsible for your actions, both personally and as a business leader or employee, prove strength of character.  To create a cohesive work atmosphere it is important to hire employees who also operate in a similar manner.  Treating employees with respect and mentoring them to follow the principles related to character promotes a teamwork environment and also provides a positive overall experience for employees.  It is also important to require the same level of character from all employees, and vendors.  When clients truly believe that you and your business holds a strong sense of character they are more likely to trust you and want to work with you.

Character is never something to be overlooked.  Whether its personal character or business character, your character will dictate those who you attract and draw in.  When your business maintains strong character you are more likely to be trusted and successful.